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  • 山东省济宁市2018年中考历史真题试题(含解析)


    山东省济宁市2018年中考历史真题试题一、选择题(下列各题的四个选项中,只有一项符合题意,每小题1分,共20分)1.(1分)年代尺有助于我们了解事件的先后顺序。“秦王扫六合,虎视何雄哉!”李白诗中的秦王扫六合应该出现在下面年代尺的(  )A.A B.B C.C D.D【分析】本题以年代尺有助于我们了解事件的先后顺序为切入点,考查的是秦朝的史实。【解答】材料中李白诗赞扬的是秦王赢政统一六国的光辉业迹,秦王赢政灭掉东方六国的时间是公元前221年,是公元前3世纪。故选:A。【点评】本题考查学生对历史史实的准确识记和理解能力。注意掌握秦朝建立的相关知识点。2.(1分)铁穆在《中国历史研究法》中说:“至秦汉以后,中国学术大致归宗于儒家,此非各家尽被排斥之谓,实是后起儒家能荟萃先秦各家之重要精义,将之尽行吸收,融会为一。”对此理解正确的是(  )A.汉代儒学取得独尊地位,异已遭到排斥B.秦汉以后,儒学得到丰富和更新C.汉初儒学融合了佛教、道教思想D.儒学在汉代成为官方哲学【分析】本题考查了儒家学说,注意从题干材料中获取信息。【解答】题干材料特别强调了“至秦汉以后,中国学术大致归宗于儒家,此非各家尽被排斥之谓”据此可排除A;“实是后起儒家能荟萃先秦各家之重要精义,将之尽行吸收,融会为一。”表明秦汉以后,中国学术大致归宗于儒家是由于秦汉以后,儒学得到丰富和更新。题干材料未提及佛教和道教及儒学在汉代成为官方哲学。故选:B。【点评】本题属于材料型选择题,主要考查学生的阅读分析能力,解答此类必须认真阅读材料,结合所学知识提炼材料中的重要信息和观点。3.(1分)认知和探究历史地图,从中提取有效信息,是学习和研究历史的重要方法。右图反映的史实是(  )A.玄奘西行 B.鉴真东渡 C.文成公主入藏 D.王昭君出塞【分析】本题以历史地图为切入点,考查的是唐朝对外交往的相关知识点。【解答】分析图片可知,体现了唐朝时中国与天竺交往频繁,最杰出的使者是高僧玄奘。贞观初年(唐太宗时),他从长安出发,历经艰险,前往天竺,在那烂陀寺游学,成为著名的佛学大师。贞观后期,携带大量佛经回国。他专心翻译佛经,还以亲身见闻写成《大唐西域记》,成为研究中亚、印度半岛以及我国新疆地区历史和佛学的重要典籍,所以A选项符合题意。故选:A。【点评】本题考查学生对历史史实的准确识记和理解能力。注意掌握唐朝对外交往的有关内容。4.(1分)我国吉代的中医文化辉煌灿烂,惠及后人,是传统文化的瑰宝。下列属于中医学著作的是(  )①《本草纲目》②《天工开物》③《伤寒杂病论》④《九章算术》A.①②③ B.①②③④ C.①③ D.①③④【分析】本题以我国古代的中医文化辉煌灿烂,惠及后人,是传统文化的瑰宝为依托,考查明朝三部科学巨著的知识点。注意掌握相关基础知识。

  • 湖南省长沙市2018年中考历史真题试题(含解析)


    一、选择题(在下列各题的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题意的.本大题共12小题,每小题3分,共36分)1.周朝分封的齐鲁两个诸候国大致都在今山东境内,而山东简称“鲁”与以下各项中哪一项关系最密切( D )A.齐桓公“尊王攘夷”损害了周王的威信 B.齐国综合实力远远弱于鲁国 C.老子及其学说对后世影响巨大 D.孔子及其学说对中国传统文化影响深远 【解析】孔子是鲁国人,孔子的儒家思想对中国传统文化影响深远,所以山东简称 “鲁”与D项最密切。A、B强调的是齐国,C与题意无关。故选D。2.以下历史事件发生于公元前3世纪的是( B )A.商鞅变法 B.秦王赢政建立秦朝 C.张骞通西域 D.三国鼎立局面形成 【解析】依据所学知识可知,公元前221年,秦始皇灭六国建立秦朝,定都咸阳。公元前221年为公元前3世纪后期。故选B。3.清朝前期,我国多民族国家得到进一步巩固和发展。康熙帝为此所做的努力是( C )A.统一蒙古草原 B.设立厂卫特务机构 C.设置台湾府 D.设置伊犁将军 【解析】1684年,清康熙帝设台湾府,隶属福建省。C符合题意。故选C。

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  • 小学英语说课稿全英文15分钟版


    一、 说教材  Firstly, let’s focus on theteaching material. It include 3 parts: teaching status、teachingaim、the key and difficult points.  Now, I will talk about the analysis of teaching status:  1. 教学地位(体现教材的整合)  The lesson is the first Unit of Module .  It focuses on the topic of , and serves as a connectinglink between the preceding and the following unit. So we can see that it playan important role in the whole book.  2. 教学目标 (根据具体内容定目标和要求)  The main instructional aims of teaching English inprimary school is to cultivate pupils’ basic abilitiesof their listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language,so I design 3 aims:

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    Major in:Chinese, mathematics,foreign languages, history, ideology and politics, geography, chemistry,physics, biologyEnglishmajor, undergraduate, majoring in: English intensive reading, English extensivereading, English listening, English grammar, oral English, English writingEducationmajor, graduate student, major in: introduction to education, generalpsychology, developmental psychology, educational psychology

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    <Good morning> T:Look!今天我们班来了很多老师,我们一起跟老师打招呼吧! S:Goodmorning Miss! T:Follow mecry stop ! Follow me laugh stop ! Follow me eat stop ! Follow me stand up ! Follow me sit down !幼儿跟老师做 T:Children,look ,what’s this ? S:A T:Yes! Verygood!Follow me A A ae ae ae S:A A ae aeae T:Apple S:Apple T: A A ae aeae ant S: A A ae aeae ant T: A A ae aeae cat S: A A ae aeae cat T: A A ae aeae hat S: A A ae aeae hat

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    人教版新课标PEP小学英语三年级上册Look at me教案(全英文版)

    3、Practicea. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you,too.b. Perform the dialogue.c. Arrange the dialogue according to the pictures or sentence cards.d. Let’s play.A: Good afternoon,B. This is C. Hello, C! Nice to meet you.C: Nice to meet you, too.A,B: Goodbye!C: Bye!4、Assessment Workbook page 10Add-activitiesa. Listen to the recording and repeat.b. Make a dialogue according to "Let’s talk".Second Period一、Teaching contents1. Let’s learn Words:body, leg, arm, hand, finger, foot.1. Let’s do二、Preparation1、a puppet2、Cards of body, leg, arm, hand, finger and foot.3、headgear of a captain三、Teaching steps1、Warm-up/ Revisiona. Captain says to review "let’s do" of Part A.b. Perform the students their own dialogues.2、Presentationa. Learn to say "body, leg, arm, hand, finger and foot."b. Listen to the recording and repeat.c. Let’s do. Clap your hands. Snap your fingers. Wave your arms. Cross your legs. Shake your body. Stamp your foot.3、Practicea. Let’s draw a person.b. Let’s do. Point out which picture.c. Let’s do. Who responses faster.4、Assessment Workbook page 115、Add-activitiesa. Listen to the recording, repeat and act out.b. Say all the names of the body to your parents.Third Period一、Teaching contents1. Let’s check2. Let’s chant二、Preparation1、stationeries1、pictures of parts of Zoom

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    人教版新课标PEP小学英语三年级上册Happy Birthday(全英文版)说课稿

    1. Do some exercise on the paper. There are four kinds of exercise here. The exercise 1 is to develop Ss’ ability of listening. Exercise 2 is to practice Ss’ ability of knowing the words. Exercise 3 is to develop Ss’ ability of speaking numbers and letters. Exercise 4 is to make Ss know the words and letters well. These exercises can consolidate the new knowledge from different styles of problems.2. Then tell Ss that we can sing the numbers like “ Do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do” and let them listen to a song named “Do, Re, Mi”. Add some extra knowledge so that Ss will be glad to see that the numbers can be used in another way.Step 4 Homework1.Read the numbers from 1 to 7 and 7 to 1 five times.2.Read the letters “u, v, w” five times follow the tape.Reading is a useful way for the Ss of Grade One to practice the knowledge. Ask Ss to imitate reading from the tape in order to make Ss have a good habit of listening and let them have a better pronunciation.Step 5 Board writingI ‘ll put the seven numbers like a scale(音阶)as I’ll let Ss know that we can sing out the numbers. When it comes to listen to the song, I ‘ll draw a musical note on Bb. Unit 9 Happy birthday!sevensixfivefourthree U u V v W wtwo pupil five windowoneThat’s all for my class designing. Thank you for listening!

  • 部编版英语七年级上总复习知识点教案


    2.陌生人初次见面打招呼What’s your name?(What’s = What is)Alan./I’m Alan./My name is AlanMiller.(first name,last name = family name)Are you Helen?Yes, I am.Niceto meet you.(这里的Iam 不能缩写)Nice to meetyou, too.What’s his name?His name isJim.Is she Linda?

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    二、工作目标  以提高初中英语教学质量为中心,加强理论学习,不断的更新观念,切实做好教师培训工作,努力提高教师自身素质,教育理论素养和教学水平,促进教师专业发展,继续以课堂教学和校本教研为切入点,扎实开展行之有效的教研活动。切实加强对教学的研究、指导和服务工作。积极开展校本研训、充分开展网络教研活动,加强对课改难点、重点的研究。着力提高英语课堂教学实效,抓实英语学科教学常规,确保课堂实效、高效,激发学生学习兴趣,促进学生发展,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。

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    XXX软件有限公司 / 教研组 201x.09 - 202x.06实习老师1. 负责指导学生「日期/时间」练习,协助班主任完成xx班级的后勤管理。2. 担任八年级班主任,任职期间秉承着“一切为了学生”的教育态度,xx开展班级以及家校活动,比如家长课堂、xx班“关心同学”家长会以及班级篮球赛等xx活动;通过与班主任及其他英语老师沟通确定班级英语教学方向,制定班级英语学科暑期教学计划,通过与班主任及其他美术老师沟通确定班级教学方向

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    XXX软件有限公司 I 幼儿班教师负责与班级外教、助教协调好班级各项工作,定期召开班务会,做好总结,同时传达好工作安排,负责开展组织家长会,家长开放日,亲子活动,组织大大小小的活动几十场,策划活动方案、担任活动的主持人工作XXX软件有限公司 I 幼儿班教师通过游戏和手工等寓教于乐的方式来强化儿童宗教故事;教唱并组织练习古典与现代的基督教音乐,实习参与策划“六一武林萌主”品牌活动。

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    第二条 人员1.乙方公司应按本合同附件一“提供劳务明细表”和附件二中商定的工程、人数、技术条件、派遣日期和工作期限,为本工程派出其授权代表、各类技术人员、工人、管理和服务人员(以下简称“人员”)法。2.附件一和二为本合同的组成部分,其内容在本合同签字生效后一般不得变更法。商在特殊情况下雇主要求变更时,经乙方公司同意应按下述规定办理:(1)人员离境之前如需变更时,甲方应将变更内容提前一个月书面通知乙方,如甲方变更计划未能及时通知乙方公司,而乙方公司已按计划集中人员和订购机票,甲方应负担因此造成的损失法。

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    AgriculturalBank, Branch Guangzhou, ChinaCustomer service Jun 2015-September 2016? Providingcustom service including 7*24 financial consultations, trading assistants,Q&As and customer cares through telephone and internet.? Evaluatethe values of business loans and provide assistance for superiors fordecision-making. Ping An InsuranceCompany Xian, China Lobby manager August 2014-February 2015? Adheringto all company policies and procedures and ensure a safe working environment.? Responsiblefor cash flow and report, general finance/account procedures in the center? Communicatewith regulators and report the business operation.

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    OFFICE MANAGER / IMPERIAL BANK – NewYork, NewYork 2015 to presentThis is an example of paragraph text. You can delete it and enter copyof your choice. This is an example of paragraph You Can delete it and enter This is anexample. This is anexample of paragraph You Can delete it and enter This is an example. This is anexample of paragraph text. You can delete it and enter copy of your choice.

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    I am cheerful, serious andresponsible for work, sincere, good at communication and coordination, strongorganizational ability and team spirit; lively and cheerful, optimistic,self-motivated, loving and good at teaching; self-motivated, diligent inlearning, can constantly improve their ability and comprehensive quality. Inthe future work, I will work hard with abundant energy and assiduous spirit tosteadily improve my working ability.

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    2011.07–Now XXX design(International) RecruitingManagerResponsibilities:l Designelectronic circuit for new industrial machinery company. l supportcomponents from users and customers. l Repair andmaintenance of equipment of the company and the customers.l Remote Supportvia phone and internet.l Import andmanufacture of high-tech parts.Accomplishments:Here you candescribe your professional profile in a few lines. Tell who you areprofessionally and how you are a good asset for an employer. What’s your value to the previous companyand other things.2005.07–2011.07 XXX design(Private) Recruiting Specilistl Designelectronic circuit for new industrial machinery company. l supportcomponents from users and customers. l Repair andmaintenance of equipment of the company and the customers.

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    Lorem ipsum dolor: sit ametconsectet gelit. it ellentesque eleife ornare ipsun enunc pulvinati ncidunt.quis pul vinar mellu Lorem ipsum dolor: sit amet consectet gelit. itellentesque eleife ornare ipsun enunc pulvinati ncidunt. quis pul vinar mellu。Loremipsum dolor: sit amet consectet gelit. it ellentesque eleife ornare ipsun enuncpulvinati ncidunt. quis pul vinar mellu.
