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  • 小学英语说课稿全英文15分钟版


    一、 说教材  Firstly, let’s focus on theteaching material. It include 3 parts: teaching status、teachingaim、the key and difficult points.  Now, I will talk about the analysis of teaching status:  1. 教学地位(体现教材的整合)  The lesson is the first Unit of Module .  It focuses on the topic of , and serves as a connectinglink between the preceding and the following unit. So we can see that it playan important role in the whole book.  2. 教学目标 (根据具体内容定目标和要求)  The main instructional aims of teaching English inprimary school is to cultivate pupils’ basic abilitiesof their listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language,so I design 3 aims:

  • 英伦商务应届生英文简历


    OFFICEMANAGER / IMPERIAL BANK – NewYork, New York 2015 TOPRESENT1. This is anexample of paragraph text. 2. You candelete it and enter copy of your choice. 3. This is anexample of paragraph You Can delete it and enter This is an example.REGIONALMANAGER / IMPERIAL BANK – NewYork, New York 2012 to20151. This is anexample of paragraph text. 2. You candelete it and enter copy of your choice.

  • 简洁运营应届生简历履历表


    20XX年3月-20XX年7月 XXX软件有限公司 新媒体运营工作描述:1. 负责新媒体平台日常内容编辑发布,互动等,同时参与进行热点内容的选题,策划与执行;2. 负责短视频的拍摄,剪辑及后期运维等工作,根据活动需求设计编辑内容文案及活动文案;3. 负责公司新闻稿、软文稿、推广方案、广告语等文字撰写,完善创意概念及创意表现;4. 了解和搜集网络上各同行及竞争产品的动态信息,通过网站后台数据分析制定相应的优化方案。

  • 商务风格英文简历求职模板


    · Demonstrateyour knowledge of the company, matching the language in your resume to thelanguage of their posting. · Ifyou have job experiences that you are not proud of, or that are not relevant tothe current opportunity, you should just omit them.· Youraccomplishments, error-free writing, grammatically correct, will make theimpression for you!· Donot use personal pronouns; each line should be a phrase rather than a fullsentence.· Bulletpoints should describe your experience in a few sentences, and do not make yourresume read like a job description.· Usethe “bullet plus” to strengthen your descriptions. Include what you did plushow, why or the impact of your work.

  • 英文劳动合同范本


    第二条 人员1.乙方公司应按本合同附件一“提供劳务明细表”和附件二中商定的工程、人数、技术条件、派遣日期和工作期限,为本工程派出其授权代表、各类技术人员、工人、管理和服务人员(以下简称“人员”)法。2.附件一和二为本合同的组成部分,其内容在本合同签字生效后一般不得变更法。商在特殊情况下雇主要求变更时,经乙方公司同意应按下述规定办理:(1)人员离境之前如需变更时,甲方应将变更内容提前一个月书面通知乙方,如甲方变更计划未能及时通知乙方公司,而乙方公司已按计划集中人员和订购机票,甲方应负担因此造成的损失法。

  • 绿色简约风简历应聘销售专员


    2022.09~2022.12 XXX软件有限公司 校园代理l 结合线上线下市场调查,创办校园会员制,企划八佰拜校园行商业宣传方案;l 制作电子购物傻瓜化教程掩饰文稿发送给潜在客户并挂在网上;l 深入联系客户,多次扮演公司于同学沟通的桥梁,用诚实和责任心打动客户;l 发展会员进40人,在全国校园代理中销售排名第26名。l 参加公司培训,积极学习并了解公司所代理的相关产品功能和使用方法;l 负责公司相关产品在三门峡地区的销售工作,开拓潜在的渠道客户,完成销售经理下达的销售任务。

  • 市场营销销售类个人求职简历


    20XX.01-20XX.01 XXX软件有限公司 营销专员(实习) l 定期调查分析竞争对手,并出具市场分析报告; 配合市场推广等相关部门工作;l 公司发展战略和业务要求,发掘目标客户及合作机会; l 开拓新媒体销售渠道,负责自制节目版权的出售,搭建维护稳定的客户合作关系;l 负责与互联网视频平台、大电视厂家、建立合作关系,拓展推广渠道; l 根据公司战略,有效完成现有资源整合与交换;l 负责公司所有业务合作渠道资源的商务对接,开展商务谈判、制订合作方案,开展深度合作;l 根据需求部门提出的采购需求,选择合格供应商寻比价、商议不同供应商的交期和价格差异、综合质量表现决定合适的供应商;

  • 应届生简历应聘市场销售类岗位


    2022.07 ~ 2022.08 XXX软件有限公司 销售实习生n 快速学习收藏专业知识与行业动态,跟随销售主管学习销售话术和销售技巧;n 每天拨打电话约100条 ,及时发现客户的潜在需求,根据客户的需要为客户推荐藏品;n 与几家大客户建立并保持良好的关系,并连续两个月得到了月度销售亚军。2021.07 ~ 2021.08 XXX软件有限公司 兼职销售n 主要工作为在门店销售华硕品牌的电脑产品,为顾客做产品介绍、性能讲解,答疑解惑;每天工作8个小时,平均日销售额10000元,超额完成销售指标。

  • 应届生应聘销售专员市场类简历


    2022.07~2022.08 XXX软件有限公司 销售实习生l 快速学习收藏专业知识与行业动态,跟随销售主管学习销售话术和销售技巧;l 每天拨打电话约100条 ,及时发现客户的潜在需求,根据客户的需要为客户推荐藏品;l 与几家大客户建立并保持良好的关系,并连续两个月得到了月度销售亚军。2021.07~2021.08 XXX软件有限公司 兼职销售l 主要工作为在门店销售华硕品牌的电脑产品,为顾客做产品介绍、性能讲解,并答疑解惑;l 每天工作8个小时,平均日销售额10000元,超额完成销售指标;l 完成领导布置的其他任务。

  • 中英文简历


    I just work in that era, the financial professional to the onlyperson impression is abacus accounting,there is nocertified publicaccountants,and no one heard four,no financial directo.

  • 淡绿色英语外教幼儿班实习教师简历


    XXX软件有限公司 20xx.01 – 20xx.01幼儿班教师负责与班级外教、助教协调好班级各项工作,定期召开班务会,做好总结,同时传达好工作安排,负责开展组织家长会,家长开放日,亲子活动,组织大大小小的活动几十场,策划活动方案、担任活动的主持人工作。XXX软件有限公司 20xx.01 – 20xx.01幼儿班教师担任校内助理实习生,在校实习期间,曾协助完成 30 余人外宾的来访接待和研讨会议的组织执行,受到外宾和领导的高度肯定。实习结束后获得公司上级与同事一致认可,荣获最佳新人奖

  • 商务简约行政经理英文简历


    Executive ManagerABCCompany / September 2018- Present· Scheduleand coordinate meetings, appointments, and travel arrangements for supervisorsand managers· Trained2 administrative assistants during a period of company expansion to ensureattention to detail and adherence to company policy· Developednew filing and organizational practices, saving the company $3,000 per year incontracted labor expenses· Maintainutmost discretion when dealing with sensitive topics· Managetravel and expense reports for department team members

  • 中英文销售合同



  • 简约风求职简历应届生应聘销售工作


    2022.09~2022.12 XXX软件有限公司 校园代理l 结合线上线下市场调查,创办校园会员制,企划八佰拜校园行商业宣传方案;l 制作电子购物傻瓜化教程掩饰文稿发送给潜在客户并挂在网上;l 深入联系客户,多次扮演公司于同学沟通的桥梁,用诚实和责任心打动客户;l 发展会员进40人,在全国校园代理中销售排名第26名。l 参加公司培训,积极学习并了解公司所代理的相关产品功能和使用方法;l 负责公司相关产品在三门峡地区的销售工作,开拓潜在的渠道客户,完成销售经理下达的销售任务。

  • 人教版新课标PEP小学英语三年级上册Happy Birthday(全英文版)说课稿

    人教版新课标PEP小学英语三年级上册Happy Birthday(全英文版)说课稿

    1. Do some exercise on the paper. There are four kinds of exercise here. The exercise 1 is to develop Ss’ ability of listening. Exercise 2 is to practice Ss’ ability of knowing the words. Exercise 3 is to develop Ss’ ability of speaking numbers and letters. Exercise 4 is to make Ss know the words and letters well. These exercises can consolidate the new knowledge from different styles of problems.2. Then tell Ss that we can sing the numbers like “ Do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do” and let them listen to a song named “Do, Re, Mi”. Add some extra knowledge so that Ss will be glad to see that the numbers can be used in another way.Step 4 Homework1.Read the numbers from 1 to 7 and 7 to 1 five times.2.Read the letters “u, v, w” five times follow the tape.Reading is a useful way for the Ss of Grade One to practice the knowledge. Ask Ss to imitate reading from the tape in order to make Ss have a good habit of listening and let them have a better pronunciation.Step 5 Board writingI ‘ll put the seven numbers like a scale(音阶)as I’ll let Ss know that we can sing out the numbers. When it comes to listen to the song, I ‘ll draw a musical note on Bb. Unit 9 Happy birthday!sevensixfivefourthree U u V v W wtwo pupil five windowoneThat’s all for my class designing. Thank you for listening!

  • 人教版新课标PEP小学英语三年级上册Look at me教案(全英文版)

    人教版新课标PEP小学英语三年级上册Look at me教案(全英文版)

    3、Practicea. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you,too.b. Perform the dialogue.c. Arrange the dialogue according to the pictures or sentence cards.d. Let’s play.A: Good afternoon,B. This is C. Hello, C! Nice to meet you.C: Nice to meet you, too.A,B: Goodbye!C: Bye!4、Assessment Workbook page 10Add-activitiesa. Listen to the recording and repeat.b. Make a dialogue according to "Let’s talk".Second Period一、Teaching contents1. Let’s learn Words:body, leg, arm, hand, finger, foot.1. Let’s do二、Preparation1、a puppet2、Cards of body, leg, arm, hand, finger and foot.3、headgear of a captain三、Teaching steps1、Warm-up/ Revisiona. Captain says to review "let’s do" of Part A.b. Perform the students their own dialogues.2、Presentationa. Learn to say "body, leg, arm, hand, finger and foot."b. Listen to the recording and repeat.c. Let’s do. Clap your hands. Snap your fingers. Wave your arms. Cross your legs. Shake your body. Stamp your foot.3、Practicea. Let’s draw a person.b. Let’s do. Point out which picture.c. Let’s do. Who responses faster.4、Assessment Workbook page 115、Add-activitiesa. Listen to the recording, repeat and act out.b. Say all the names of the body to your parents.Third Period一、Teaching contents1. Let’s check2. Let’s chant二、Preparation1、stationeries1、pictures of parts of Zoom

  • 简洁版劳动合同


    一、劳动合同期限? 甲乙双方约定按下列种方式确定劳动合同期限:? A、有固定期限的劳动合同自年月日起至年月日止;并约定试用期自年月日起至年月日止。? B、以完成工作任务为劳动合同期限,自年月? 日起至完成本项工作任务之日即为劳动合同终止日。

  • 关于六一儿童节国旗下讲话英文作文


    “六一”的太阳"Pham Van"in the English Dictionary interpreted as a model essay为什么这样辉煌?“六一”的花朵为什么这样芬芳?“六一”的红领巾为什么这样鲜艳?“六一”的孩子们为什么这样欢畅……你知道,他知道,大家全知道。全世界最年少的节日已经来到,全世界最天真的节日就在今朝。“六一”的歌声

  • 蓝黄色英语教师英文简历


    Major in:Chinese, mathematics,foreign languages, history, ideology and politics, geography, chemistry,physics, biologyEnglishmajor, undergraduate, majoring in: English intensive reading, English extensivereading, English listening, English grammar, oral English, English writingEducationmajor, graduate student, major in: introduction to education, generalpsychology, developmental psychology, educational psychology

  • 英文简历-英语老师简历


    I am of great honor to stand here and introducemyself to you. First of all ,my name is ....if you are going to have a jobinterview ,you must say much things which can show your willingness to thisjob, such as ,it is my long cherished dream to be ... And i am eager to get anopportunity to do...and then give some examples which can give evidence to.Then you can say something about your hobbies. And it is best that the hobbieshave something to do with the job.
