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  • 实习师范教师简历


    XXX软件有限公司 / 教研组201x.09 - 202x.06实习老师1. 协助班主任管理班级,组织班级活动(组织班会及课外活动);2. 出现问题时,及时与学生任课老师,班主任及家长沟通解决问题3. 担任学生班主任,负责五年级xx余名学生的生活与学习4. 担任「公司/组织」实验班班实习班主任,在实习中深入了解高中生的学习情况和生活状态;5. 担任实习班主任具有良好的组织能力和领导能力,组织了班级的秋冬季运动会入场等相关活动。6. 作为艺考生的班主任在「日期/时间」工作中与他们一起学习并检查他们播音发声以及xx背诵在「日期/时间」会教他们播音的基础发声以及练习有着比较丰富的工作经验

  • 英文简历+中文简历


    GuangzhouUniversity 211Market Management GPA:3.6 UNDERGRADFinancial Accounting Double DegreeHonor award::In 2015 won the school class"three good students" (# People Award) ;GPA3.5, top student, 2016;2018 English competition, won thesecond prize, ranked the first school;

  • 淡绿色英语外教幼儿班实习教师简历


    XXX软件有限公司 20xx.01 – 20xx.01幼儿班教师负责与班级外教、助教协调好班级各项工作,定期召开班务会,做好总结,同时传达好工作安排,负责开展组织家长会,家长开放日,亲子活动,组织大大小小的活动几十场,策划活动方案、担任活动的主持人工作。XXX软件有限公司 20xx.01 – 20xx.01幼儿班教师担任校内助理实习生,在校实习期间,曾协助完成 30 余人外宾的来访接待和研讨会议的组织执行,受到外宾和领导的高度肯定。实习结束后获得公司上级与同事一致认可,荣获最佳新人奖

  • 莫兰迪幼儿教师个人简历


    20XX.04-20XX.08 XXX软件有限公司 岗位:幼师工作描述:v 教师对本班幼儿的安全负责,严格执行安全制度,防止事故的发生。v 依据幼儿园教育工作计划要求,结合本班幼儿的年龄特点和个体差异,制定教育工作目标、计划,并组织实施,做好教育笔记。v 为幼儿创设良好的物质和精神环境,发挥环境教育作用。v 做好家长联系工作,了解幼儿家庭教育环境,商讨符合幼儿特点的教育措施。v 负责班级教学和日常管理工作;结合本班幼儿的年龄特点和个体差异,制定工作目标。

  • 蓝紫简约电商客服1-3年简历



  • 英文简历(简洁版)


    Sales representative2015.10-2017.12 Chuanghuantechnology trading co. LTD.1, responsible for executing the Russian market implementation of planningand organizing activities2, responsible for the collection of web information, resource management;3, integrate internal and external resources, planning overseas brandpublicity of related productsSales representative2012.04-2015.09 Globalinternational trading co. LTD.1, market research, collect relevant market dynamics and analysis, providethe basis for leadership decision-making;2, according to the market demand and customer comments, for the company'sproducts, services, and promote the improvement opinions;Sales representative2011.02-2012.01 Onemonth heeducation technology co. LTD.1, perform conventional publicizing;2, according to a specified market promotion plan to implement the companydaily promotion, key projects, cooperation projects, product release PRplanning and execution

  • 单页简洁英文简历


    Guangzhou Friendship HotelAssistant Banquet Manager--responsible for planning and coordination of200 banquets and private parties per year for 10 to 500 guests (businessmeetings, personal celebrations, community events). Meal planning and themedevelopment in consultation with banquet hosts。Dongdan Restaurant.Waiter——Served in morningtea hall and lunch hall.

  • 秋招英文简历


    2015.10-2017.12ShangHaitechnology trading co. LTD. Salesrepresentative1, responsible for executing the Russian market implementation of planningand organizing activities2, responsible for the collection of web information, resource management;3, integrate internal and external resources, planning overseas brandpublicity of related products2012.04-2015.09ShangHaiGlobalinternational trading co. LTD. Salesrepresentative1, market research, collect relevant market dynamics and analysis, providethe basis for leadership decision-making;2, according to the market demand and customer comments, for the company'sproducts, services, and promote the improvement opinions;

  • 中英文简历两套


    广州盈科财务事务所 财务主管按月度、季度及年度定期制作公司经营利润分析,公司毛利分析及分店单位运营成本分析,并出具报表;负责整合企业出口报关单核销单资料、台账及核销、出口退税申报等工作;根据客户的资产规模、生活目标、预期收益目标和风险承受能力进行需求分析,出具专业的理财意见;忠实诚信,讲原则,说到做到,决不推卸责任;有自制力,做事情始终坚持有始有终,从不半途而废;肯学习,有问题不逃避,愿意虚心向他人学习;自信但不自负,不以自我为中心;愿意以谦虚态度赞扬接纳优越者,权威者;会用100%的热情和精力投入到工作中;平易近人。

  • 单页英文简历


    With a record ofconsistent profit contributions amounting to millions of dollars in generalmanagement, marketing and production in the U. S. And internationally, accustomed to autonomousmultidivision responsibility. Equipped to use all management techniques toaccomplish company objectives.GENERAL MANAGEMENTAccomplished seven divisionalturnarounds leading these divisions from high five-figure losses to six-figureprofits in periods ranging from three months to two years.PRODUCTIONSuccessfully engineered and producedfour new products of complex technology applying various engineeringdisciplines and marketing skills.MARKETINGConceived and implemented new marketingplan which broadened distribution and increased volume 27%, increased profits9%.FINANCEInstituted new financial controls andprocedures, increased cash flow 19%, improved R. O. I. 13%, set objectives andachieved financial ratios which became the envy of the industry.TECHNICALBACKGROUNDIntimately familiar with themetalworking industry and with sophisticated machinery and equipment in a boardarea of manufacturing.

  • 银行英文简历


    2018.09- Present China ConstructionBank Corporation (Chaoyang Branch) Lobby manager l According tocustomer characteristics and business types, guide and distribute customers todesignated windows or self-service machines to handle business, maintain hallorder and solve customer disputes.l Guide andassist customers to fill out forms for various businesses and copy ID cards andother relevant documents to answer the questions customers encounter when usingATM self-service terminals, help customers solve difficulties encounteredduring use, passion, sincerity, patience, Accurately answer customer's businessconsulting.l Assist inbasic work. For example: help to copy the financial product instructions, helpmanagers organize various promotional activities, etc.l Jobperformance: During the internship, the customer received XXX in total, no complaints,and received favorable comments from customers; completed the number of creditcard accounts XXXXX.

  • 简约蓝棕风格新媒体运营社招简历


    深圳市XXX科技有限公司 新媒体运营负责增加精准用户,提升社群成员活跃度与粘性;建立有效运营手段进行新用户引流以及提高原有用户的活跃度及留存率;与外部社群平台交流对接,开拓资源及合作渠道,构建社群联盟体系;挖掘和分析用户需求,收集用户反馈,定期优化运营策略。深圳市XXX科技有限公司 新媒体运营负责研究微信、抖音、快手等网络营销平台及推广手段,新推广渠道的开拓;负责整理客户成功案例,进行朋友圈的内容编辑,打造公司业务品牌;及时掌握新闻热点,有效完成专题策划活动,制定阶段性新媒体运营策略与推广计划。

  • 高中语文作文课教案说课稿模板


    教学目标1) 语言理解与运用:通过赏析例文中一些精彩的细节描写片段,认知和仿用细节描写,并运用于写作之中。2) 思维发展与提升:感悟细节,鼓励学生联想与想象,通过认知和仿写细节描写,发展直觉思维、形象思维和创造思维,优化语言表达能力。3) 审美发现与鉴赏:让学生养成观察的习惯,留心生活,发现生活中的细节之美,感受和体验作品的语言美、形象美,从而激发学生的写作兴趣,学会热爱生活,形成积极的人生态度。

  • 康复治疗师蓝色单页简历



  • 无经验JAVA开发工程师简历



  • 高教版中职数学基础模块下册:9.5《柱、锥、球及其简单组合体》教学设计


    课题序号 授课班级 授课课时2授课形式 教学方法 授课章节 名称9.5柱、锥、球及其组合体使用教具 教学目的1、使学生认识柱、锥、球及其组合体的结构特征,并能运用这些特征描述生活中简单物体的结构。 2、让学生了解柱、锥、球的侧面积和体积的计算公式。 3、培养学生观察能力、计算能力。

  • 市场营销英文简历


    2015.07-2015.09 Bank of China Customer service Job description:lProviding custom service including 7*24 financialconsultations, trading assistants, Q&As and customer cares throughtelephone and internet.lIn the cases of which clients’ problems could not be solvedonline, transfer the information to the back staff to settle, and track thesettlements before communicating with the clients.lAbiding the regulations and working closely with theoperating administration and other co-workers.2015.07-2015.09 Bank of China Customer service Job description:lProviding custom service including 7*24 financialconsultations, trading assistants, Q&As and customer cares throughtelephone and internet.lIn the cases of which clients’ problems could not be solvedonline, transfer the information to the back staff to settle, and track thesettlements before communicating with the clients.

  • 金融会计创意风英文简历


    AccountingAssistantAlvakin and Sons Inc. | 2011-2016January 2020 - May 2020Assisted in collecting data and creating budgetreports and documentsHoned my skills and expertise as an accountant ina professional environmentSenior AccountantOcular BeamEnterprises | 2016-2020Managed theaccounting department with day-to-day dutiesInspected andreviewed all budget reports and documents before they left the office

  • 英伦商务应届生英文简历


    OFFICEMANAGER / IMPERIAL BANK – NewYork, New York 2015 TOPRESENT1. This is anexample of paragraph text. 2. You candelete it and enter copy of your choice. 3. This is anexample of paragraph You Can delete it and enter This is an example.REGIONALMANAGER / IMPERIAL BANK – NewYork, New York 2012 to20151. This is anexample of paragraph text. 2. You candelete it and enter copy of your choice.

  • 新媒体运营文案策划简历


    20XX.03-2018.12 XXXX有限公司 文案策划Ø 负责公司自媒体的日常图文内容的策划撰写和文案策划;Ø 围绕公司企业文化宣传,撰写企业文化主题活动策划方案;Ø 进行公司总部各项宣传媒体图文材料收集、编辑及汇编成册。Ø 负责对市场热门话题敏感,善于抓热点,并能输出相关内容。
