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  • 大班英语教案:What do you have

    大班英语教案:What do you have

    1、 学习新句型“what do you have?I have……”并尝试结合以前所学的学习用品的单词来进行表达; 2、 大胆和同伴一起用新句型对话。 Teaching Aids: 每人一个小书包一件小围裙小熊木偶一个 Procedures: I:Warming-up: T:Good morning,boys and girls!We will begin ourcla .Are you ready?(yes!)Let’s sing a song.(Hello song) IIresentation: Tlease close your eyes.One two three.Open youreyes.What’s this?(老师拿出来一只书包) S:It’s a bagpack.

  • 大班英语教案:What Colour

    大班英语教案:What Colour

    2、能用who are you?并用I’m进行对话交流。3、激发兴趣,培养幼儿大声讲话的习惯及自信。教学内容:1、对话2、词汇:Yellow Red Orange Blue Green White教具:一个五彩魔术盒,彩色绳,花瓣似的色片。Step1:师生互致问候。T: Hello, Good morning, boys and girls!S: Hello, Good morning, Miss Wu.Step2:句型“Who are you? I’m…”操练。T: First, Let’s play a game, Ok?1)玩捉迷藏游戏引入句型,教师蒙住眼睛,走进幼儿中摸到幼儿问:Who are you?请幼儿回答 I’m… (三次以上)

  • 大班英语教案:This little pig went to the market

    大班英语教案:This little pig went to the market

    流程: 一、引出儿歌 1、Warm up: 歌曲< To market> 2、(教师出示儿歌背景图片)T: I bring a picturetoday. What do you see? (鼓励幼儿大胆说说图片上的内容。) C:I see a happy pig./ I see a market./ Isee a house and a sleepy pig. 二、理解学习儿歌 1、T:What happened to these little pigs?Let’s listen to the rhyme together! (播放CD)欣赏儿歌第一遍 T:What did you get from the rhyme?

  • 大班英语教案:The very hungry caterpillar

    大班英语教案:The very hungry caterpillar

    3、愉快积极参与有关英语游戏,体验英语活动的乐趣。 活动准备:一个神秘箱、一个果篮 一条毛毛虫 各种毛毛虫食物的头饰及图片 根据故事情节制作的Flash课件 根据故事情节制作的图谱 活动过程:1、猜一猜 (1) 将部分毛毛虫的食物及毛毛虫放在神秘箱里,让幼儿摸其中一样, 然后猜一猜摸到的是什么,然后拿出来验证猜测结果。教师首先示范, 用动作提示幼儿操作。 Look, it’s a secret box .What’s in it ? I will feel one kind of, will feel what it is?幼儿摸到毛毛虫,教师说 the caterpillar can-------(用动作引导幼儿说creep)。 (2 ) T: a le is sweet, do you want to eat ? s: Yes。T:caterpillar is sweet ,do youwant to eat? T: a le pinea le banana orange peach and pear are all sweet,we like eating them,and the caterpillar also likes eating them . what did thecaterpillar eat ? let’s see.

  • 大班英语教案:she is my mother

    大班英语教案:she is my mother

    He is handsome. I love my father.Teaching procedures:A: Revision1. Singing: Hello, How are you? Ilike coffee Teddy Bear2. A chant: grandfather, grandfather, old, grandmother, grandmother, healthy, father, father, handsome, mother, mother, pretty, uncle, uncle, fat, auntie, auntie, slim, sister, sister, smart, brother, brother, naughty, Iam lovely.

  • 大班英语教案:run、play football 、jump rope

    大班英语教案:run、play football 、jump rope

    二.活动准备: 足球一个,绳子一条,跑步动作的图片。 三.活动过程 1、greeting t: hello,good morning,boys and girls! c: hello,good morning,mi su 2, to learn (1)t:what’s do you see? c:足球。(教师出示足球) t:yes, football.read afterme,please. c: football, football, football tk.do you like football? c:yes. tk,let’s plaly football.(做踢足球的动作) c: plaly football. plaly football. plaly football.

  • 大班英语教案:Review units 5~9

    大班英语教案:Review units 5~9

    T:Today,we’re going to have a revision class. Now, are you ready?Ⅰ.warming up.Song: A B C songT:let’s sing the “ABC sing”,o.k? The wholeclass,ready?(go)Ⅱ.Daily talk.T: let’s have a daily talk!Ⅲ.game:Draw lots.(一)T:there are so many piece of paper in this box.You can choose one and tell me what color is it. then open and read the numb.on it. I will help you to count it.

  • 大班英语教案:red light

    大班英语教案:red light

    2.培养幼儿对英语词语的理解能力及反应能力. 3.知道几种常见的交通规则.教学准备:红绿灯各一个、猴子,小熊的手偶各一个。教学过程:1。师生相互问好。A:Goodmorning evrybody!B:Good morning Miss zheng . 2.TPR. Long lizard long ,lying on a log , look at the lizard ,lying on a log.

  • 大班英语教案:Put on & Take off

    大班英语教案:Put on & Take off

    2. 复习单词:coat、cap、glaves、shoes、sportshoes新授单词:glasses(眼镜)、pants(裤子)、scarf(围巾)3. 能结合所学单词熟练运用句型Put on…… Take off……. 活动准备: 1. 多媒体VCD(事先录制)内容: A.太阳升起时小朋友起床,穿戴自己的衣物(句型练习:Put on……、出现新授单词glasses、pants、scarf)B.天黑了,小朋友准备上床睡觉(句型怜惜:Take off……)C.两名幼儿相互间发指令(复习巩固单词与句型)

  • 大班英语教案:Play with hapes

    大班英语教案:Play with hapes

    2、 review the wordsabout color 3、 让幼儿通过看、听、说等多感官来体会学习英语的快乐; 4、 建立良好的听说能力; 5、 通过tpr、游戏等活动,让幼儿在学习外语的同时,发展其动觉智力。 teaching materials(教具准备): tape ; sticker; 魔法棒一个;各种图形的图片; 毛线;自制钓鱼工具;情境挂图;cd; teaching proce (教学流程): 一、 warm up(热身): 1、 tpr:播放律动“play-wayto english”,让幼儿伴随着音乐进入课堂,并一起做律动。 2、greetings: t: how are you today? s: i’m fine, thank you! and you? t: i’m fine too. and how is the weather today? s: it’s su y/rainy day. t: woo… you are so great. you are looking so lovely today. ok, now today i’mmagic, and then please look at the blackboard.

  • 大班英语教案:New house

    大班英语教案:New house

    2.通过描述日常生活中幼儿所熟悉的物和事情,激发幼儿学习英语的兴趣.活动准备: 1.房子图片 2.平面示意图――组合图(1幅)  平面示意图――教师示范幼儿操作图(1大6小) 3.小超市所需图片若干活动过程: 一.幼儿边唱“Happy home”边进教室,并引导幼儿与老师招呼. Today, we have so many guests in our classroom. Let’s say “ hello” tothem. All right! Sit down, please! 二.(一)引出活动1.出示房子图片,引起兴趣:"Look! What’s this?" 2.复习各种房间的名称:This is the bedroom (bathroom living room kitchen)

  • 大班英语教案:May I come in Come in,please

    大班英语教案:May I come in Come in,please

    2、感受、理解句型“May I come in? Come in,please.”并学习表达. 设计思路:以故事的形式,帮助幼儿感受、理解学习句型。在教具演示中讲述故事,听觉和视觉的双重刺激,使幼儿理解所学句子的含义,消除语音上的困难,并通过师生互动、生生互动来操练、巩固,让幼儿在愉快、轻松的自然习得知识。活动流程:自然导入、激发兴趣 感知理解、体验交流 活动延续。 活动准备:移动图片教具:猫;兔、狗、鸟的家。自然导入,激发兴趣 1、 师生问候(Daily talk) 2、 (出示猫)What’s this? Please act the cat. 幼儿与老师对话 个别、集体幼儿边做动作边讲: 1、 Cat, cat, It’s a cat.

  • 大班英语教案:lion’s birthday

    大班英语教案:lion’s birthday

    场景一:门铃响了,狮子去开门。 l: who? r: i’m ra it. l: good morning, ra its. r: good morning, lion. how are you? l: i’m fine, thank you. come in please. r: thank you. r: ha y birthday. (把礼物给狮子)here you are. we hope youlike. l: thank you. sit down please. please, please(拿出一些吃的请小兔子们吃) r: thank you. teddy bear : hello, everyone. i’m teddy bear.today is lion’s birthday. we prepared a present for him. let’s go lion’shome. (song: teddy bear, teddy bear, walk, walk, walk. teddy bear,teddy bear, hop, hop, hop, teddy bear, teddy bear, run, run, run, teddy bear,teddy bear, jump, jump, jump. )

  • 大班英语教案:Let`s Do It .

    大班英语教案:Let`s Do It .

    2、通过游戏活动,激发幼儿对学习英语的兴趣。教学准备:reading、 singing、 drawing、dancing的图片各一幅活动过程:一、Warm up : 1 Greeting——《Hello》song ; 2 Review——sing the《Ru ing》song; 二、Gue ,what am I dong ?——reading、 singing、 drawing、dancing; 1、请学生安静,猜老师做的动作是什么;——看书、唱歌、绘画、跳舞; 2、请个别学生做动作,其他学生来猜是什么; 3、Game : 《I say , you do》 If I say “reading”, you are reading;If I say “singing”, you are singing……

  • 大班英语教案:how to make tea

    大班英语教案:how to make tea

    2.正确掌握音标/v/发音要领,学习并会运用短语Have some water ./Have some tea.教学准备:茶叶茶壶水杯矿泉水瓶热水壶椅子桌子教学过程:1. 组织教学:Let’s count from one toten.2. 练习单词five 的发音,讲解音标/v/的发音要领并练习/v/的发音.3. 学习单词have,注意幼儿的发音。

  • 大班英语教案:hat do you want i want ....

    大班英语教案:hat do you want i want ....

    2、玩具熊、玩具娃娃等。3、布置相关的情境环境。过程: 1、导入活动。引导幼儿进入情境,复习“in the morning”中的句式,能进行语言互换。内容:(1)刷刷我的牙,洗洗我的脸,洗洗我的手,梳梳头。Brush my teeth/ wash my face/ wash my hands/ combmy hair(2)身体运动 头头,转转转等等, Head, head, turn aroundFeet, feet jump and jump 2、进入情境,学习词句并参与表演。(1)教师一人饰演两个角色,利用情节的发展引导幼儿和替代角色互动,并参与活动。

  • 大班英语教案:Happy Tour

    大班英语教案:Happy Tour

    教学准备:1、猴子头饰、大象挂图、小猴子的家、欢快的音乐;2、桃子、香蕉、苹果、生梨卡片人手一份、装有apple、banana、pear和peach的小手提人手一个。教学过程:一、翻山越岭去旅行 1、T:Hi, babies! 今天,MissLiu要带你们去旅行,Are you happy?Let’s 背起书包、戴上帽子、戴上cool cool的太阳眼镜,准备出发,Are you ready?2、教师带领,和幼儿一起越过重重障碍。

  • 大班英语教案:Green grass is on the ground.

    大班英语教案:Green grass is on the ground.

    会唱:< Baaing, baaing,peeper shee gt; Teaching tool:Some cards、tape Teaching Procedures Teacher Student 1st.Warm up First: cheek name. Second: Sing the song with children about what we have learned last le on<hello, hello. Dozer Doggie>. Children should act and sing the song. Your can act what you want to act.

  • 大班英语教案:go shopping

    大班英语教案:go shopping

    二、教学目的与要求1. 能听懂、会说本篇对话; 2. 能运用会话中的句型进行扩展性的情景会话; 3. 能听懂、会说新单词:purple, size, cool。三、教学重点  能运用所学句型进行扩展性的情景会话。四、教学手段  运用多媒体辅助教学。五、教具准备  一件毛衣,各种文具、食品、服装、玩具和水果等。

  • 大班英语教案:Fruits Are Healthy

    大班英语教案:Fruits Are Healthy

    3、学习歌曲Fruits Ate Healthy教学重点:学习词汇:peach,watermelon,pear,cherry,grape,orange教学难点:词汇cherries grapes wayermelon 的正确发音。教学准备:小动物的图片,水果挂图,各类水果的图片宝宝,英语教学平台教学过程:一、1问候: Hi,boys and girls!Hi,Misssun!2游戏:Let us play a game!Ok! (幼儿在教师的带领下,以游戏的形式复习One To Ten 十个英语词汇)3今天的天气很好,Miss sun带你们到动物园玩好不好。我们来看看动物园里有那些小动物。Look at a picture!(出示小动物的图片)Who is it! Dog!(幼儿依次将小动物的英语名称说出来。)我们把他们的英语名字编成歌曲唱出来,好不好。(幼儿依次将小动物的英语名称唱出来)
